Active Disability Ireland’s vision is ‘To Create an Ireland where people with disabilities have equal opportunities to be active.’
Physical Activity and sport are central to the fabric of life in Ireland. There is a growing awareness and understanding that peoples’ lives can be enhanced through participation, especially by improving health and wellbeing, increasing social interaction and empowering people to be the best they can be.
While there has been a significant increase in the awareness of and access to physical activity and sport opportunities for people with disabilities, there is still a considerable need for programmes, which directly engage with people with disabilities, their families and careers and focus on heightening awareness of opportunities and understanding in relation to the benefits of being physically active.
Active Disability Ireland, through the support of the Health Service Executive (HSE) Disability Services are looking for a full time Health & Wellbeing Officer to assist Active Disability Ireland’s Health & Wellbeing Coordinator in the delivery and evaluation of the ‘Active Healthy Me’ national education programme for adult day services.
The aim of the programme is to increase the knowledge and understanding of management, staff, and individuals with disabilities on the importance and benefits of being physically active and the opportunities that are available to participate within their local community.
The programme of activity aligns with and supports the Adult Disability Day Services – New Directions Policy, the National Physical Activity Plan, and the Healthy Ireland Framework.
Active Disability Ireland are actively seeking a highly motivated individual with a passion for health promotion to work within a dynamic team and will play a key role in increasing active lifestyle opportunities for people with disabilities.