Sport Inclusion Disability Charter


Sport Inclusion Disability Charter logo
Sport Inclusion Disability Charter logo

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Sport and physical activity are central to the fabric of life in Ireland. As citizens of this state, people with disabilities have a right to be active within their local communities. In our efforts to truly understand what it is really like for a person with a disability to be active in Ireland, we carried out nationwide focus groups with people with disabilities and parents of children with disabilities.

We engaged with 140 people across 22 counties, who were both active and inactive, and asked about their experiences, challenges and needs in relation to their participation in sport and physical activity. From the vast feedback we received, we have developed the Sport Inclusion Disability Charter, which clearly outlines the five key areas people with disabilities are asking all organisations to consider in making active and healthy lifestyles possible for them. Click here for insights and to hear more about some of the people we spoke to, and how they stay active.

Download The Charter

What People With Disabilities Are Asking Of Your Organisation


Be open to and understanding of all people with disabilities


Access training for your staff/volunteers to facilitate the inclusion of people with disabilities


Develop and deliver inclusive activities


Review your facility/venues/equipment to make our organisation more accessible


Promote the inclusive nature of your activities, in a variety of formats


Charter Signees to date

Total Signed Up
Total number of Charter signees since it's launch.
Sports / Activities
Number of different sports and physical activities represented.
Leisure Centres & Gyms
Number of leisure centres and gyms who have committed to the Charter.
Outdoor Activities
Number of Outdoor Activity Providers who have committed to the Charter.



Sign up to the Charter today!

By signing up to this Charter, you are committing to listening to the needs of people with disabilities and looking at how your organisation can be more inclusive.

  • Your Details

  • Your commitment

  • Your consent

  • Please indicate if you could like to receive information via email about future training opportunities, upcoming events, news and relevant information relevant to sport, inclusion and disability.
  • Active Disability Ireland and Sport Ireland collect your details above so that we may contact you in relation to your submission. We may also post your logo on this page under the "Supporting Organisations" section. Please see our privacy policy for more information.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.


Developed in partnership with

Sport Ireland and The Dormant Accounts Fund logos
Sport Ireland and The Dormant Accounts Fund logos