Xcessible Club Toolkit

Xcessible Club Toolkit Logo
Xcessible Club Toolkit Logo

The Xcessible Club Toolkit is a guided resource that will empower clubs to positively and meaningfully provide opportunities for people with disabilities to take part in sport and physical activity at a local level.

About Xcessible Club Toolkit

Sport and physical activity play such an important role in peoples’ lives, contributing positively to their physical and mental wellbeing.

Active Disability Ireland, recognise how valuable participation sport and physical activity can be for people with disabilities, whether that be through playing, participating, volunteering, coaching, officiating or other, there is a role for everyone in their local sports club.

Following the success of the Xcessible programme for NGBs and LSPs, Active Disability Ireland with the support of Sport Ireland, have developed an Xcessible Club Toolkit. The toolkit aims to support sports clubs to overcome the challenges experienced by people with disabilities who want to engage in sport and to develop and sustain inclusive practice within their club to ensure that people with disabilities in Ireland can access and enjoy regular participation in sport & physical activity at club level. Inclusive sports cubs will be able to facilitate the many benefits that people with disabilities can enjoy within their community such as; belonging to a group, the opportunity to volunteer, to make new friends, to learn a new skill, to develop leadership & coaching expertise as well as improving social, physical and mental wellbeing.

Two boys playing soccer
Two boys playing soccer
Xcessible Club Toolkit Logo
Xcessible Club Toolkit Logo

The toolkit is a guided resource that will empower clubs to positively and meaningfully provide opportunities for people with disabilities to take part in sport and physical activity at a local level.

The toolkit and supporting resources are available to download below. Please enter your relevant information and click download:

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Xcessible Club Stages

Xcessible club toolkit stages overview. Text displayed on the image is available in the page content
Xcessible Club Stages Diagram

The Xcessible Club Toolkit has been developed to support clubs in three stages of their journey towards creating a fully inclusive club for people with disabilities. The Sport Inclusion Disability Charter is the framework for the Xcessible Club Toolkit.

Stage 1: Develop
This stage of the toolkit aims to support clubs in developing or improving their structures and inclusive approaches to ensure people with disabilities have a positive experience within the club, and that club volunteers, coaches, and committee members feel confident and supported in developing inclusive environments.

Stage 2: Embed
This stage of the toolkit aims to support clubs to embed inclusive approaches and best practices to ensure people with disabilities have a positive experience within the club, and that club volunteers, coaches, and committee members feel confident and supported in developing inclusive approaches.

Stage 3: Sustain
This stage of the toolkit aims to ensure clubs are sustaining inclusive approaches and best practices to ensure people with disabilities have a positive experience within the club, and that club volunteers, coaches, and committee members feel confident and supported in sustaining inclusive approaches.

The toolkit acts as a guiding resource for the club to support them in a phased approach to becoming more inclusive. Guidelines, templates and resources have been developed to assist clubs in actioning the areas outlined in the toolkit.

Xcessible Club Cover
Xcessible Club Cover

Who Can Support


National Governing Bodies of Sport (NGB) List of NGBs
Local Sports Partnerships (LSP)

Sport Inclusion Disability Officers (SIDO)

LSP Contact Details

SIDO Contast Details 

Disability Sport Organisations:
Special Olympics  www.specialolympics.ie
IWA Sport  iwasport.com
Deaf Sports Ireland  www.deafsportsireland.com
Vision Sport Ireland  www.visionsports.ie
Paralympics Ireland  www.paralympics.ie


Xcessible Club Resources

Coaches & Volunteers Training Record Template 
Facility List Template
Equipment List Template 
Club Action Plan Template 
Role description for Club Chairperson
Role description for Club Secretary 
Role description for Club Treasurer
Role description for Club Disability Inclusion Officer
Sample Club Registration Template 
Sample Club Easy Read Registration Template
Club Welcome Pack Guidance Document 
Accessible Facilities Guidelines
Setting up a Club Constitution & Committee Guidance Document
List of key National & International Disability Events 

Download Xcessible Club Resources


Contact Us

For further information about Xcessible Club Toolkit please contact Ali Howick Sports Inclusion Officer: ahowick@activedisability.ie



Active Disability Ireland, Sport Ireland and Dormant Account Logos
Active Disability Ireland, Sport Ireland and Dormant Account Logos