Inclusive Design for Outdoor Recreation Online Workshop

We are currently updating and redesigning our Inclusive Design for Outdoor Recreation workshop. This training is designed to give an overview of the best practice outlined in Great Outdoors, A Guide for Accessibility and a foundation understanding of how to approach implementation of the guiding principles and recommendations of this document. It will cover use of the Self Assessment Checklist (auditing tool) and the preparation of an Access Improvement Plan for your amenity.

The guidance is relevant to all publicly accessible outdoor landscapes including high and lowland areas, parks, national parks, boglands, forests and forest parks, playgrounds, greenways, waterways and beaches and their associated amenities and facilities.
Inclusive Design for Outdoor Recreation workshop promotion with image of wheelchair user enjoying the outdoors
Inclusive Design for Outdoor Recreation workshop promotion with image of wheelchair user enjoying the outdoors
Great Outdoors, A guide for Accessibility was published in January 2019 and was developed by Irish Wheelchair Association Sport funded by Sport Ireland Dormant Accounts Sports Inclusion Fund. Active Disability Ireland adopted the next phase of the project in March 2019 for Sport Ireland, to build awareness and training around this document with a view to greatly improving the accessibility of Ireland’s Great Outdoors.’

Self Assessment Checklists

The Great Outdoors, A guide for Accessibility

Inclusive Design for Outdoor Recreation Resources
[Self-Asessment, Auditing Tools and Factsheets]

Download the documents



Duration: 3 hours
Cost: ---
Who is this workshop for?:

This training workshop is aimed at developers, managers, planners and designers of publicly accessible Great Outdoors facilities and amenities in Ireland including those responsible for:

  • Site and landscape management, planning, development and upgrade
  • Online information pertaining to outdoor sites and their access
  • On-site display information and way-finding

Book A Training Workshop

To book a training workshop please email with the course name, your preferred first date and time of workshop and two alternative dates.